The energy conservation potential for light emitting diodes (LEDs) is significant, and the strategic importance of LED technology is reflected in market developments. However, LED-based product systems contain many resources like indium, gallium or rare earth metals, some of which are classified as critical raw materials. As the markets for LED technologies continue to expand, optimising resource flows and addressing societal issues is a key challenge to be addressed.
The project cycLED aims at optimising the flows of resources through all life-cycle phases of LED products.
This project will achieve this by:
- contributing to decoupling the growth of European LED markets from resource depletion
- offering technical optimisation to maximise the resource efficiency of LED products
- developing tools and methods to exploit the recycling potential and increase the resource productivity in the production of LEDs
Key research topics:
- Increased recycling of scarce key metals in LED production
- Optimised reliability and life time of LED products
- Reduced resource losses in production, use and recycling
- Solutions for eco-innovation