Thermal and Environmental Analysis Lab

IR-thermography on active power semiconductor
We offer thermal investigations of both - the materials and the systems. In order to be able to characterize thermal interface materials (TIM), a system was set up for determine heat conductivity and thermal resistance depending on the resistance relative to compression force. Infrared measurement techniques measure temperatures without any contact to detect errors in systems or components.
Thermal Interface Material Analysis (TIMA)
- Investigation of greases, adhesive and pads
- Measurement of thermal conductivity and thermal resistance, force/displacement controlled, with up to 5 % accuracy
- Reliability investigation of thermal adhesive bonds regarding to different loads
Thermal Conductivity Test (TCT)
- Investigation of encapsulation materials, plastics, metals, ceramics
- Static measurements on defined samples (Ø6x20 mm; Ø6x35mm)
- Thermal conductivity measurements of bulk material
Infrared measurement system (IR)
- nondestructive test using high-resolution (20 µm) IR-thermography
- Excitation sources: Flash lamps, laser, ultrasound, eddy currents
- Temperature overlaid measurements imaging (heat flow analysis)
- Detection of faults, inclusions, cracks, and delamination in electronic assembly techniques, substrates and components
- (failure-)analysis of very small microsystem structures
Thermal Transient Measurements (TTM)
- On active power systems with high currents up to 600 amps
- Fast measurements of thermal transient resistance -
from chip level to cooling system - Complete thermal path analysis
- TTM-flyer download (pdf/191KB)
Computational fluid dynamics simulation with combined experiments (CFD)
- Flow optimization in heat exchange of heat sinks, heat spreaders and heatpipes in air flow chamber in correlation to computational fluid dynamics simulations
X-ray fluorescence analysis
- Measurement with XRF spectrometer (handheld) and Röntec PolyTAX EDXRD/EDXRF
- Analyzing rare earth or other materials which are used in electronic applications