LED Spectral and angular analyser

The spectrometer CAS 140D offers a wide range of capablities useful in research and development, production testing and quality control. The increased sensitivity of the spectrometer was achieved by use of a back thinned CCD detector and covers a spectral range from 190 to 1700 nm. Furthermore, spatial radiation characteristics and luminous flux of LEDs can be measured by a combination of the CAS 140D with the goniospectroradiometer LEDGON-120 and the integrating spheres IPS150.
Spectral Range [nm] 190 bis 1700
Number of Pixels 1024 x 128 (Binning-Mode)
Flat-Field Grating [l/mm] 285
Spectral Resolution [nm] 1.5 / 3 / 6
Data Point Interval 0.6nm/25µm
Irradiance Sensitivity 2x10-3 to 2x10-5 [W/m2 nm] at 600nm and 1 sec integration
Integration Time 20 msec to 20 sec with linear responsivity