LED reliability

New developed LEDs as well as LEDs used above the specified limits need a comprehensive reliability analysis. As standards for those analysis are not established in the moment and adapted standards, like MIL-STD or Telcordia are very ambitious and therefore not economical, we offer a wide range of tests, which can be combined regarding customer needs:
- variable Duty Cycle
- constant temperature with und without Duty Cycle
- quick and slow temperature cycling
- aging with temperature and humidity and pressure
- daylight and UV aging
As indicator for the status of the LED several parameters can be measured:
- luminous density
- luminous flux
- optical spectra
- junction temperature (via Uf)
- U/I characteristic curves
Large Single Modules can be analyses as well as comparing measurements up to 20 smaller LED units.
If significant degradations or total failures will be observed, the reason will be analysed as described on our separate failure analysis page. Based on those results recommendations regarding material, assembly process, and use conditions will be given.