Electronics Goes Green!
This year’s Electronics Goes Green, jointly organized by Fraunhofer IZM and TU Berlin’s research center for Microperipheric technologies, marked a new milestone in the electronics industry’s commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The four-day event was attended by 450 conference delegates with a wide range of backgrounds in technology development, industry management and environmental policy. Together the participants contributed 6 keynote speeches, 155 presentations over five parallel sessions, 30 posters and immeasurable know-how and experience during the discussions and networking sessions.
A particularly popular topic in 2012, in terms of both session number and size, was resource management. Several speakers emphasized the importance of dealing with all stages of the supply chain, not just those traditionally associated with materials. Two other key conference foci were firstly, new materials and technologies and secondly, recent legislative developments.
We were particularly pleased by the variety of conference participants. Attendees from over 36 different countries and an equal mix of industry and academia professionals and experts took full advantage of the conference’s networking opportunities, on the conference floor as well as at the exhibition and the social events. In terms of the latter, the conference dinner on Monday evening was a particular highlight, held at the fitting location of the Berlin’s Botanical Gardens.