Smart System Integration 2010 in Como

On March 23 and 24, 2010 the Smart Systems Integration Conference took place in Como, Italy. The SSI is the international communication platform for research institutes and manufacturer to exchange know-how on smart systems integration and to create the basis for successful research co operations with focus on Europe.
The event is part of the activities of EPoSS, the European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration.
Like every year, IZM-scientists contributed their know-how to the conference and the institute presented its range of activities from the realm of electronic packaging at the concurrent exhibition. Particularly the work carried out in cooperation with Bundesdruckerei GmbH on ultrathin chips met with a lot of interest.
A special highlight of the conference was the presentation of the first Smart Systems Integration Award to Professor Herbert Reichl of Fraunhofer IZM for his outstanding achievements in the development of integration technologies for intelligent systems.
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