TSB Technologiestiftung event at Fraunhofer IZM

Around 50 Berlin entrepreneurs visited Fraunhofer IZM in Wedding on 8th March 2010 at the invitation of the TSB Technologiestiftung Berlin (Eng. TSB Technology Foundation Berlin). The event was held to offer local companies an introduction to the institute’s laboratory infrastructure and services.
Dr. Stephan Guttowski, Head of Fraunhofer IZM’s System Design & Integration Department showcased the institute and its key technological research areas in an introductory presentation. The participants were then treated to a tour of the various laboratories.
What options do companies have to gain dependable, solid information about the reliability of electronic systems with a reasonable amount of effort? This was a question addressed by Dr. Andreas Middendorf from the new IZM reliability lab. The Electronics Condition Monitoring Laboratory set up in 2009 allows IZM researchers to model and analyze combined loading, including temperature (cycling), moisture and vibration.
Christine Kallmayer presentation of the new textiles laboratory also drew a lot of interest. The lab bundles the institute’s skills in and equipment for the integration of electronics in textiles. Experts in microelectronics and packaging work together in the lab with external fashion designers to create intelligent clothing of the future.
Overall, both participants and the organizers judged the event as a success. According to Stephan Guttowski: “The interest in IZM services was really high and we were surprised at how many ideas came up in the discussion for new applications in mobile sensor technology.”
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