Event Review
Changing of the guard: A farewell to Professor Klaus-Dieter Lang
His colleagues know and appreciate him as a celebrated expert for electronics system integration and specialist for durable chip connections. Having kept Fraunhofer IZM on a steady course to success over his years at the helm, Professor Klaus-Dieter Lang formally took his leave at a farewell barbecue party in mid-September. »People say: You should leave while it’s still fun.« Klaus-Dieter Lang cannot see how this applies to him: »Applied research is always fun, and nowhere more so than in innovative microelectronics and microsystems technology.« After completing a much-celebrated thesis, he set up not one, but several organizations dedicated to his field of work, was appointed to the Chair of Nano-Interconnect Technologies at the Technical University of Berlin, became an active contributor at countless committees and research bodies, and doubled the commercial revenue of Fraunhofer IZM almost in passing.
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