School Partnership between the Gabriele von Bülow Gymnasium and Fraunhofer IZM

Berlin /

Fraunhofer IZM is looking forward to its new cooperation with Berlin’s Gabriele von Bülow Gymnasium high school, the result of the School and Business Partnership initiative of the Chamber of Commerce of Berlin. On 26 September 2017, the headmistress of the Gabriele von Bülow Gymnasium, Heike Briesemeister, and Institute Director Professor Klaus-Dieter Lang came together to put their signatures to the cooperation agreement.

The participating students can follow their interests in school projects at the Fraunhofer IZM, join a “mini research project” supervised by IZM professionals, enjoy additional opportunities on the Girls‘ Day and internships, and get a special invite for a tour of the Institute as part of the Long Night of the Sciences. The activities are offered alongside the biology, chemistry, and physics courses for year 7 and higher and are meant to stimulate an interest in working in the natural sciences. The Institute is also available to advise school leavers with finding the right careers.

This is not the first time the Fraunhofer IZM has reached out into schools – young researchers are a dear and sought-after resource. The Institute has already committed itself to promoting promising technology talent. On top of the mentioned opportunities, ambitious young researchers can get active at the School Technology Days of the Technical University of Berlin or find out more about the technology on show at fairs and exhibitions.

The partnership is initially planned for five years, but sure to be extended if it lives up to its promise.

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