Business and research rely on 3D integration
A workshop brings companies and science together to develop the potential of 3D integration
As a key technology, 3D integration has a special significance for the realization of future innovative products. More functionality with simultaneous increase of performance as well as miniaturization of electronic products will be possible. As a so-called system-in-package, 3D system integration in products leads not only to improved performance and reliability but also to higher energy efficiency and lower manufacturing costs, thus opening up competitive advantages in the global market.
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and its leading institutes in the field of 3D integration - IZM, IZFP, IIS/EAS and ENAS - are organizing the workshop "3D Integration", which, based on the state of the art and available know-how in science and technology, will open the way for innovative product integration approaches in the various fields of application.
Under the patronage of the Minister of State for Science and the Arts of the Free State of Saxony, Prof. Sabine von Schorlemer, and the Executive Board Member of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Prof. Ulrich Buller, the challenges and potentials of 3D integration will be addressed and discussed together with leading representatives from industry in order to advance the further development of this key technology for Germany as a business location.
Especially in Dresden, Fraunhofer has developed a unique spectrum of 3D-relevant competencies with the Center "All Silicon System Integration Dresden" of Fraunhofer IZM, the IZFP, the IIS/EAS. Together with the Fraunhofer ENAS in Chemnitz, they are now bundling these in a Fraunhofer Cluster "3D Integration" in order to create synergies and to be able to develop future potentials with industry.
Workshop "3D Integration
The foundation for successful research and development work and for the implementation in innovative products is always the dialogue and cooperation with partners from industry and research. The workshop "3D Integration" is intended to initiate and intensify this dialogue in order to guarantee that research and development go hand in hand. The aim is to analyze the potential of 3D integration technology under application aspects, identify future research needs and define joint activities of industry and Fraunhofer research. This should pave the way for the implementation of new innovative products and provide significant impetus for strengthening Germany as a business location.
At the kick-off event on April 15, the Saxon Minister of State for Science and Art, Prof. Sabine von Schorlemer, will be pointing out the potential of innovative technologies: "The 3D Integration Workshop therefore supports a competent and closely interlinked innovation network of research and industry in Germany and especially at Europe's number one microelectronics location in Dresden. Only such a network ensures all components of a service chain for innovative products - from system specification to quality assurance".
Fraunhofer Cluster "3D Integration”
The success of 3D integration in product manufacturing will largely depend on whether it is possible to achieve a holistic view - starting with the design of the systems, through technology and materials and reliability. For this reason, it is essential that Fraunhofer, with its five leading institutes in the field, combines its expertise and know-how in a network, thus enabling it to cover the entire spectrum of 3D integration topics and tailor them to industrial needs.
The Fraunhofer Cluster "3D Integration" is intended to support this process. As one of the world's leading institutes in the field of 3D system integration, Fraunhofer IZM, with its ASSID center, plays a leading role in this process and will focus primarily on technological implementation. In addition, as a service provider, it will make the technologies available to a broad base of SMEs and large industry.
Further Information
Technological developments in recent years have already created a good starting position for research and development work in the field of 3D integration. For example, it has been possible to demonstrate the feasibility of through-silicon vias (TSV) and 3D construction variants. These research results have also been incorporated into products. In order to derive future applications for mass markets as well as for innovative special applications on a broad scale, the process chains - with a focus on cost, performance and reliability - must be optimized and coordinated. This also requires the use of adapted materials and appropriate analytical and testing procedures.
3D integration offers the prerequisite for the application-oriented development and implementation of innovative future products. It is of particular importance that, starting with the design phase, the technology and processes are evaluated and coordinated in context in order to create optimal cost-efficient solutions.
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