Dr.-Ing. Ivan Ndip honored with the 2007 Tiburtius-Preis

Fraunhofer IZM researcher Dr. Ivan Ndip has been awarded the 2007 Tiburtius-Preis for his outstanding Ph.D. dissertation. His thesis, entitled “Novel Methodologies for Efficient and Accurate Modeling and Optimization of System-in-Package Modules for RF/High-Speed Applications”, was ranked second best Ph.D. dissertation of all Ph.D. dissertations in all Universities and Colleges in the State of Berlin in 2006.
Dr. Ndip’s Ph.D. research was supervised by Prof. Herbert Reichl of the Institute for High Frequency- and Semiconductor System Technologies, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Technische Universität Berlin (Berlin Institute of Technology). His dissertation received the highest academic distinction (Summa Cum Laude).
The Tiburtius-Preis is sponsored by the “Landeskonferenz der Rektoren und Präsidenten der Berliner Hochschulen (LKRP)”. It is awarded each year to outstanding Ph.D. dissertations and Master’s Theses. The award giving ceremony took place this year at the Henry-Ford Building, Freie Universität Berlin.
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