
iNEMI Project Leadership Awards for two projects with Fraunhofer IZM participation

At its annual Members Council meeting in July 2022 the International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (iNEMI) presented its first ever "Project Leadership Awards" to five selected projects. These projects stood out for achieving excellence in electronics manufacturing, outstanding technologies or results, or positive impact on the electronics manufacturing value chain and its ecosystem.

Among the five awards, no less than three Fraunhofer IZM employees from the Environmental and Reliability Engineering (ERE) department were involved in two of the honored projects.

In the project "Eco-Design Best Practices for a Circular Electronics Economy" Karsten Schischke was part of a team that developed an interactive webinar series with recommendations for the transition to a circular economy. Furthermore, experience reports and innovative approaches in the field of eco-design were provided. Saskia Huber and Olaf Wittler contributed their expertise in the field of deformation of materials, substrates, components and assemblies to the project "Package Warpage Prediction and Characterization, Phase 5". Together with their team they furthered iNEMI's work on dynamic warpage of advanced packaging technologies by identifying the need for a model for shrinkage strain and then developing this model themselves.

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