Soitec kicks off European project to develop future high-frequency semiconductors

Bernin, France /

asian male technician in sterile coverall holds wafer that reflects many different colors with gloves and check it at semiconductor manufacturing plant
© ryanking999/

A European research and industry consortium led by Soitec, a world leader in the design and manufacture of innovative semiconductor materials, has begun work to develop a future generation of high-frequency semiconductors based on Indium Phosphide (InP).

These technologies are set to address applications ranging from photonics for AI mega data centers to radio frequency filters critical to 6G mobile communications and beyond.

Indium Phosphide semiconductors can operate at frequencies approaching or exceeding 1 terahertz (THz), offering superior speeds and environmental performance through increased energy-efficiency.

The 27-member consortium, Move2THz, aims to lay the groundwork for a robust European supply and manufacturing ecosystem for InP semiconductors and tackle barriers to their wider adoption, including the cost and availability of InP wafers, or substrates. The three-year project is a recipient of European Union funding as well as top-up financing from the governments of France, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Belgium.

Work will begin formally at a July 9-10 kick-off meeting at Soitec headquarters in Bernin, France.

The consortium members are:

  • France: Soitec (project lead); French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission; STMicroelectronics; National Center for Scientific Research; Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology; InPACT; III-V Lab; Almae Technologies; The University of Bordeaux.
  • Germany: The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft; The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik; Aixtron SE; University of Duisburg-Essen; Freiberger Compound Materials GmbH; Microwave Photonics GmbH; AdMOS GmbH Advanced Modeling Solutions.
  • Belgium: Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre; Catholic University of Louvain; Incize.
  • Switzerland: Diramics AG; ETH Zürich; Albis Optoelectronics AG.
  • Sweden: Chalmers University of Technology AB; Low Noise Factory AB.
  • The Netherlands: Eindhoven University of Technology; Smart Photonics BV.
  • Lithuania: Teraglobus.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Move2THz is supported by the Chips Joint Undertaking and its members, including the top-up funding by National Authorities of France, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Belgium, under Grant Agreement n° 101139842.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Contacts for more information:

François Brunier (SOITEC)

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