Science Campus Berlin 2017
More Women in Science
As part of the Fraunhofer Science Campus event from April 3rd to April 6th 2017, 80 undergraduates and postgraduates from MINT subjects will be visiting the four Fraunhofer Institutes in Berlin. The Fraunhofer IZM has joined forces with Fraunhofer FOKUS, IPK, and HHI to support the move towards more women in science and research.
At the IZM, the attendees will be offered an exclusive insight into mounting and interconnection technologies used for electronic system integration. They will be visiting the cleanroom facilities for an up close and personal experience of researchers at work. The wirebond lab introduces the visitors to the processes and applications of wirebonding and modern quality control methods. The events in the metallography lab include the embedding of samples and components and work with light microscopes. The Material Testing facilities showcases new materials and offers the visitors an in-depth introduction into materials testing technologies.
On top of the lab tours, the Science Campus event hosts several interesting seminars, lectures, and workshops, including talks on career opportunities at the Fraunhofer IZM, Wege ins Management and personal career coaching. The attendees will be able to learn more about their own interests and strengths and discover how they can contribute these in applied research. The Science Campus is an excellent opportunity for the young female scientists to network and strike up important career contacts.

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