Seminar / March 01, 2020, TBA (to be announced)
Autarkic Wireless Sensors - TBA
In 2019, the advanced training seminar »Autarkic Wireless Sensors« organized in cooperation with the AMA-Association will take place again. Using the example of a wireless sensor node for the monitoring of high-voltage power lines, an overview is given. Afterwards, the seminar will provide basic knowledge for the field of autarkic wireless sensors, focusing on:
System design
- Design of autarkic sensor nodes
- Firmware concepts
Power supply
- Energy storage
- Energy harvesting
- Energy management
Wireless interface
- Design of the transmission path
- Antennas - Design and placement
- Low power protocols
- Recording and handling of wireless sensor data
This part is always very popular and usually leads to lively technical discussions. For this reason, the seminar will be extended by a second day, during which the participants‘ questions will be discussed in detail. In order to be able to cope with the complexity of the topic and the variety of questions, workshops on selected questions are held in small groups headed by IZM scientists.