Working group design conformity for WEEE/RoHS/EuP

Despite the success with the implementation of the EU Directives WEEE and RoHS, companies in the electronics industry are still working on meeting the environmental demands they raise for the European market.Work is continuing on adaptations of legislation to the state of the art, onconstantly ensuring RoHS-conformity including control with international standards,and on preparations for comparable demands in other regions.
In addition, a framework directive was passed at the EU level in August 2005 onenergy-using products (EuP) and enacted in German law in February 2008 as the Energy-related Products Act. One after the other, implementation rules are being introduced for various product groups (and also standby functions) with which manufacturers have to comply.
In the working group "Design conformity for WEEE, RoHS and EuP" companies prepare themselves in advance for the development and production of products which conform with the Directives. At the meetings, the latest developments in national and international law in the field of the environment and electronics are dealt with, methodsand tools are presented for the development of environmentally-compatible products, through to the declarations of the substances they contain. Case examples are discussed. The working group is supported byZVEI, BITKOM and FED, and is organised by Fraunhofer IZM.