Power Electronic Systems

Our research group specializes in two key areas of power electronics: power electronic packaging and EMC. The know-how generated by combining these two areas in one group allows us to provide a broad range of services.

Developing innovative approaches to the packaging of power electronic systems is an ongoing priority. We help our customers develop and implement cutting-edge designs for sophisticated applications in industries such as aeronautics and automotive technology. Our group collaborates closely with other Fraunhofer IZM departments in this area.

A current hot topic is electromagnetic interference in hybrid and electric vehicles, along with the development of design tools for comprehensive electromagnetic, electrical and thermal modeling of power inverters. We quantify electrical interference using measurement instruments and simulation.

Low-Inductance Packages for Fast-Switching Semiconductors

The basis for Miniature Converters with High Power Density

Niederinduktive Packages für schnell schaltende Halbleiter | Fraunhofer IZM
© Fraunhofer IZM

The evolution of very fast-switching semiconductors on silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) basis opens the gates for completely new standard power converters. The key is to not simply replace silicon semiconductors in a standard case – the minimal improvement in performance would be too dearly bought.

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Packaging for Power Electronics

Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik für die Leistungselektronik
© Fraunhofer IZM

Besides die attach soldering and Al heavy wire bonding, new packaging concepts are pursued to built power electronics systems which shall provide improved thermal performance and higher reliability. By replacing the wire bond with an area contact on both sides of the chips the thermal performance can be improved.

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Embedding PCB Technologies for Power Electronics

Inside view (model)of a 90A embedded power module (HHK project)
© Fraunhofer IZM | Volker Mai

Miniaturization and packaging of power electronics by embedding of semiconductor switches into the build-up layers of a printed circuit board has experienced a considerable development throughout recent years. Besides commercialization and the introduction of the first products into the market, there are still a number of interesting new concepts under scientific and technological investigation.

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Compact converters enabling high power density

Due to the low switching losses when using the novel wide band-gap semiconductor generation made from gallium nitride and silicon carbide, respectively, it is possible to increase the switching frequency of power electronic systems significantly. As a consequence, the size of passive components, especially of the bulky ripple inductors, can be reduced, for the reason that less energy needs to be buffered in the system. The focus of the ECPE lighthouse project "Industrial Demonstrator on System Level" was on an additional power density increase by means of innovations in filter topology, semiconductor control and pareto front optimization of the overall system.

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Measuring switching losses in wide bandgap semiconductors

© Fraunhofer IZM

The traditional approach for measuring switching losses like double pulses relies on measuring the current in the semiconductor and the voltage drop at the point of switching. However, the parasitic effect of the measuring equipment itself is enough to skew the measurements.

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Power module for Formula 1 with substrate water cooling

Exponate - Messe - Leistungsmodul mit Substrat-Wasserkühlung
© Fraunhofer IZM

Main goals for a Formula 1 power module are highest power density and lowest weight. Volume and weight of presented converter could be reduced by roughly 50 percent compared to previous versions.

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PCB and packaging solution for on-board chargers — On-board charger in three liters - packaging makes it possible

on-board charger
© Fraunhofer IZM | Volker Mai

Charging on public AC grids is a challenge for e-mobility. Fraunhofer IZM has now succeeded in combining the latest achievements in the field of power electronics for the next generation of on-board chargers. Bidirectional charging processes of up to 22 kW are made possible by pioneering PCB and packaging solutions that also enable automated production.

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  • Compact converters enabling high power density | more info
  • Measuring switching losses in wide bandgap semiconductors | more info
  • Low-Inductance Packages for Fast-Switching Semiconductors | more info
  • Packaging for Power Electronics | more info
  • Embedding PCB Technologies for Power Electronics | more info
  • EMC measurements | more info

Energy transition: Increasing efficiency with low-inductance power modules

The energy transition is one of the greatest challenges of our time. A key factor for its success is the efficient use of electrical energy, whether in household appliances, industrial plants or electric vehicles. A promising approach to increasing efficiency lies in the further development of power semiconductors, particularly through the use of low-inductance power modules with silicon carbide (SiC) technology.

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© Fraunhofer IZM

Insulated Single Chip Packages for Urban Air Mobility

The TELEV project (Technological enablement of hybrid-electric propulsion systems for manned aircraft through research into aviation-compatible power electronics, distribution and control) aims to systematically investigate the technologies required to bring such configurations up to the performance level required for aviation.

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Explosionsdarstellung des Umrichteraufbaus mit Leistungsmodul- und Treiber-/Controllerleiterplatte
© Fraunhofer IZM

ECPE Lighthouse: Bidirectional motor drive 63kW

Due to the low switching losses when using the novel wide band-gap semiconductor generation made from gallium nitride and silicon carbide, respectively, it is possible to increase the switching frequency of power electronic systems significantly. As a consequence, the size of passive components, especially of the bulky ripple inductors, can be reduced, for the reason that less energy needs to be buffered in the system. The focus of the ECPE lighthouse project "Industrial Demonstrator on System Level" was on an additional power density increase by means of innovations in filter topology, semiconductor control and pareto front optimization of the overall system.

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SiC inverter module for high-performance electric drives

One of the world’s leading automotive suppliers, Marelli, has launched the first power module for electric and hybrid traction applications in motorsports. The new module was developed together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM. Based entirely on silicon carbide, the module enables higher conversion efficiencies and is smaller and lighter – a successful innovation for both motorsports and vehicles in general.

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PM/PR SiC-Umrichtermodul
© Marelli

SiCefficient: Increase of efficiency and range

The use of SiC semiconductors in drive inverters is becoming increasingly popular. SiC offers the possibility of increasing the power density and efficiency in the system through lower switching and conduction losses compared to silicon FETs. The converter built at Fraunhofer was realised in a 6-phase topology. With the appropriate electric motor, this results in several advantages for the electric power train.

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SiC Modul

  • Lσ power module < 1.7 nH
  • PCB Embedding: Smart p² Pack® Technology by SE AG
  • Power range up 231 kVA (for a 6 phase inverter)
  • Highest on-board function integration: Damped DC-Link, gate power supply, gate driver, 2 temperature sensors (one per switch), embedded current sensor, fast analogue short-circuit detection, signal insulation and digitalization

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SOlar, Protosol

When developing merchantable power electronic systems, a multitude of partial conflicting requirements must be taken into account. High efficiency, robustness, reliability, low cost, long life, high power density and good EMC behaviour have to be valued and weighed against each other for a specific application.

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The ambition of the SpeedDrive project is to develop a high-speed drive that far exceeds what was thought possible with the current state of the technology.

The project considers high-speed / high-power engines to be any engine producing more than 200 kW at more than 35,000 revolutions per minute. It intends to develop a modular converter that is capable of working with engines or generators at 500 kW and 35,000 rpm.

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Eckart Hoene

Contact Press / Media

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Hoene

Chief Expert Power Electronics

Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
13355 Berlin

Phone +49 30 46403-146

Christoph Marczok

Contact Press / Media

Christoph Marczok

Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
13355 Berlin

Phone +49 30 46403-724

Fax +49 30 46403-271

Stefan Hoffmann

Contact Press / Media

Stefan Hoffmann

Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
13355 Berlin

Phone +49 30 46403-142

Felix Fischer

Contact Press / Media

Felix Fischer

Fraunhofer-Institut für Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration IZM
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
13355 Berlin

Phone +49 30 46403-7906

  Arbeitsgruppe Power Electronic Systems

Power Electronics

Equipment and Tools

Our Power Electronics Laboratory offers a wide range of possibilities for the development of innovative power electronics with state-of-the-art development tools and highly qualified staff.

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Measuring Switching Losses
© Fraunhofer IZM

EMC measurements

Fraunhofer IZM supports companies in the interference suppression of hardware. Power electronic devices and systems can be prepared in our laboratories for EMC tests in a certified EMC test facility.  

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Active Power Cycling Lab

Quality assurance of power electronics is an essential factor in product reliability. The active power cycling test provides instant lifetime data for power modules. The corresponding area of application (e.g. wind energy, photovoltaics, automotive) determines the corresponding test parameters and procedures. We offer comprehensive consultation to find the right test method with regard to the specific mission profiles.

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Test set-up for reliability assessment of embedded power electronics using active power cycling (APC)
© Fraunhofer IZM

Measuring switching losses in wide bandgap semiconductors

The traditional approach for measuring switching losses like double pulses relies on measuring the current in the semiconductor and the voltage drop at the point of switching. However, the parasitic effect of the measuring equipment itself is enough to skew the measurements.

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© Fraunhofer IZM

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