
Landing Page - System-on-Flex
© Fraunhofer IZM

The research group System on Flex at Fraunhofer IZM focuses on advancing the fields of flexible hybrid electronics, stretchable electronics and electronic textiles (smart textiles). The goal is developing innovative solutions for various applications. The group focuses on developing scalable manufacturing processes for flexible, stretchable and textile electronic systems. This includes prototyping novel concepts and transitioning them into manufacturing-ready solutions, thereby enabling the production of flexible electronic systems on a larger scale.

FHE describes electronic systems that can conform to different shapes and surfaces and combine components and structures realized using different technologies. This involves design, development and fabrication of flexible circuit boards, interconnects, sensors and components using novel materials and manufacturing techniques.

Another key objective is to enhance the reliability and durability of flexible electronic systems. This involves conducting research to understand the mechanical and electrical properties as well as failure mechanisms of flexible electronics and developing techniques to mitigate issues like fatigue, delamination, and failure under mechanical stress.

The research group aims to provide application-oriented solutions by collaborating with industrial partners and addressing specific challenges in sectors like automotive, healthcare/medical, consumer electronics, defence and smart packaging. The objective is to develop electronic systems tailored to the specific requirements of these industries.

Another important goal is to foster innovation and knowledge transfer by actively participating in collaborative projects, organizing workshops, and publishing research papers. The objective is to contribute to the advancement of the field of flexible hybrid electronics, stretchable electronics and electronic textiles. SoF shares expertise with the scientific community and industry stakeholders.

Key Research Areas

Electronic textiles

© Patrick Klein Meuleman for Malou Beemer, modified by Fraunhofer IZM

Compared to purely textile products, electronic textiles (e-textiles) offer added functionality through integrated electronic components. At yarn, textile or product level, integrated circuits enable e-textiles to e.g., heat or cool, create energy, provide sensor and actuator function, collect data or warn their users.

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Conformable electronics

Rigid and flexible printed circuit boards are well-established and widely used circuit carriers for electronic assemblies. New product concepts require electronic systems that can be applied or integrated onto or into three-dimensionally shaped freeform surfaces: known as Conformable Electronics.

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Stretchable electronics

© Fraunhofer IZM | Volker Mai

Stretchable electronics are increasingly gaining importance in various fields. They find applications in wearables such as smartwatches, smart rings, fitness trackers, and smart clothing. These devices can be comfortably worn on the body without restricting movement, seamlessly integrating into everyday life. Stretchable solar cells and batteries can be used for energy generation and storage.

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Flexible electronics

Flexible Elektronik
© Fraunhofer IZM

Electronics are everywhere, and today they need to be lightweight and show long-lasting functional reliability. In Fraunhofer IZM's System on Flex working group, we develop technologies for mounting tiny components on and in flexible circuit carriers made of different materials. Research focuses include fine pitch assembly technologies for unpackaged ICs using soldering and adhesive bonding as well as direct embedding of these chips

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Here you can find further literature on the topic of System-on-Flex


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