Trainings and Workshops

  • MS Teams / February 24, 2025, 4:00 to 5:00 pm, CET

    »Responsible Electronics from Manufacturing to RF-Enabled Applications«

    Mahmoud Wagih
    © loewn und Mahmoud Wagih

    Reducing the environmental footprint of electronics and ICT requires a system-level approach, and should not compromise performance. This talk will introduce example of high-performance electronics fabrication approaches, taking a responsible approach which enables low-impact manufacturing, recycling, and low-waste end-of-life, with focus on PCB-level solutions.

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  • #1 session of our series »Electronic Solutions for Challenging Environments« // SPEAKER: Dr. Martin Hempel // In order to be able to use electronics where they are needed and to achieve maximum performance, the packaging of the individual components into an overall system is crucial. The expert session will give an insight into the technologies available at Fraunhofer IZM and then focus on embedding technology and demonstrate its application using the example of extremely challenging environments in maritime use.

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  • MS Teams / March 04, 2025 - April 15, 2025, 16:00 - 16:45 CET

    »Electronic Solutions for challenging Environments«

    In this series, we highlight innovative technologies for applications that are used in challenging conditions, be it in medical technology, in the oceanic environment, in the automotive sector or even in clothing.

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  • MS Teams + Eindhoven / March 26, 2025, March 26, 2025, ONLINE –16-17h (CET) // optionally March 27th LIVE in EINDHOVEN 9-17h

    INCREACE recyclability assessment tool RAT

    In the EU INCREACE project, PHILIPS and PEZY collaboratively developed a tool for designers and engineers to calculate the recyclability rate of a product and point out design improvements. It enables designers to develop recyclable design options only using product data available to the designers. The tool is based on years of experience and collaboration with recyclers, backed with scientific insights.

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  • MS Teams / April 02, 2025, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., CET

    »Hide and Seek: Electronic waste in the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) industry«

    Maïwenn Kersaudy-Kerhoas - GreenICT courses
    © loewn und Maïwenn Kersaudy-Kerhoas

    Single-use consumables used in point-of-care diagnostics (POCT) in intensive care units, operating rooms and at the scene of an accident increasingly contain electronic components. This is leading to a growing environmental impact from electronic waste. Prof. Maïwenn Kersaudy-Kerhoas's lecture analyzes current industry practices, highlights regulatory challenges and discusses the need for sustainable solutions to reduce or eliminate electronic waste.

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  • Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM / May 05, 2025 - May 07, 2025, Additional date (October 14 - 16, 2025)

    Fundamental radar signal processing in MATLAB based on TI Radars

    Cars and trucks on motorway, with wireless communication network pictograms
    © Adobe Stock | metamorworks

    Fraunhofer IZM offers a radar workshop based on a Texas Instruments (TI)-Ecosystem. The workshop focuses on signal processing of radar systems, especially for the IWR6843. It contains a theoretical and a practical part of 4 hours each.

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