Good to know

Science need not always be complicated or even incomprehensible! Here we want to show you that it can be done in a completely different way: easy-peasy to understand and accessible for everyone.

We talk directly to the researchers, find out how and why microelectronics works and together with you we will find answers to the big and small questions at our research institute. Backstage at Fraunhofer IZM, so to speak.

On this page you will find insights into current projects, tips from practicing researchers and everyday things from our institute - all with a little technical tic. In addition, the small µ has come to join us - as a symbol for exactly the topics that concern us at Fraunhofer IZM, it explains a term from microelectronics every month.

Do you have any questions about Fraunhofer IZM or would you like to know what is behind other technical terms? Then send us your questions by e-mail and we’ll try and find the answers for you!


µ knows best:
Complex terms – in simple words


µ is not simply the twelfth letter of the Greek alphabet. µ is a symbol for micro and is therefore an elementary quantity for us at the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM. With our new format "µ knows best" we also focus on the elementary facts.

Every month µ presents you with a term from the everyday work of Fraunhofer IZM and tells you what exactly it is about. How much knowledge do you have about research terms? Are there any abbreviations you always wanted to understand in research or more precisely microelectronics? What, how and why? Here you can find out everything about the topics we are working on at Fraunhofer IZM. Always available, for you to look up. Are you missing a term or do you still have questions? Let us know and µ will get on the case!



#µknowsbest is back. Today we present the second quiz video, which was produced in cooperation with the Gabriele-von-Bülow-Gymnasium. In just two days of workshops, the pupils filmed interviews with IZM experts and edited them with us. Today, student Mila 👩‍🎓 asks our training officer Sven Schmidt what cleanrooms are all about and why they are so important for microelectronic research. Take a look and be informed - and surprised.

#ResearchforNewcomers #GvB #weknowhow

© Fraunhofer IZM | Volker Mai

What is a microchip?

A microchip - also known as an integrated circuit (IC) - is a small electronic component. Microchips are manufactured on a semiconductor plate and serve as the core building blocks of modern electronics. Microchips contain transistors, capacitors and resistors that are arranged and integrated on a thin substrate to perform a variety of functions. Microchips are used when it comes to computing power, data storage, signal processing and communication. Typical applications include computers, smartphones, household appliances, automotive electronics and medical devices.


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Your Career at Fraunhofer IZM

Are you interested in working in the realm of applied research? Then take a look at our current job offers here.


The Institute

As part of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Fraunhofer IZM specializes in applied and industrial contract research. Fraunhofer IZM’s focus is on packaging technology and the integration of multifunctional electronics into systems.